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Privacy Policy


Digital Sign Technologies Inc. (DST) is committed to compliance with the privacy laws. These laws protect the privacy of personal information DST holds on customers and other individuals with whom we deal. If you would like more information in addition to the Privacy Policy set out below about how DST handles personal information you can contact us at


Personal Information


For the purposes of our Privacy Policy, the information, services and products supplied by DST are collectively referred to as “our information, services or products”.


If you ask DST to supply you with our information, services, or products, DST will ask you to provide certain details. This may include your name, contact information (including your address and telephone numbers) and requirements in relation to our information, services or products. In the case of businesses acquiring our information, services, or products, DST usually requires the name, title and contact details of a contact person in the business. In order to optimize and improve services, DST may also ask you to provide certain information that assists in analysing electricity usage and sensor data, together with conservation and energy reduction activities, however it is not mandatory to provide this information, such as the size of home, office, warehouse, number of rooms, number of occupants, appliances, square footage, type of building, etc.

DST collects data from your building’s electricity network. DST may also request information about you in order to help you decide which of our services would best suit your requirements.

From time to time we may also undertake customer surveys to collect statistics about our customers for research and product development purposes. These surveys help us to develop new products and services to meet your needs. Whether or not you participate in these surveys is your choice.

Generally, DST will not collect sensitive information about you (such as details of your race, political beliefs, religion or health).


Collecting Personal Information


We generally collect your personal information directly from you. For example, we may collect personal information about you when you send us correspondence by email, when you have contact with us in person or when you complete a form on the DST mobile or web applications. If you do not provide the information requested, we may not be able to provide you with information or services requested or to fulfil another applicable purpose of collection.
When you visit the DST’s mobile or web applications, we may collect additional information about your use, which may or may not identify you. We may collect information about which pages you visit on the our mobile or web applications to help us determine which parts of the site you value, so that we can build and develop our applications to best meet your needs. We may also collect information about your Internet browser, operating system, address of the referring site, your internet protocol address and clickstream information, and similar information if you use or access the DST website and applications using a mobile device. This information, for example, helps us understand how you found out about us.


Use of Data


The personal information, relating to you, collected by DST may be used to:

  • Provide information, services and products, such as conservation or energy reduction programs, services or products, of DST, your utility, business partners of your utility or third parties. Further, you agree that DST may use such data for analysing, maintaining and grouping data as well as analysing and predicting usage and other trends and, so long as the resulting data is aggregated or anonymized (i.e. no longer identifying you as an individual), that DST may share, provide, license, disclose and otherwise freely use such aggregated or anonymized data.

  • Provide you with our services, or with other information you have requested, and for purposes related or ancillary to this. This may include use of personal information for establishing and maintaining any necessary accounts or records, credit checks, invoicing and billing systems, debt recovery, market research and to develop new and better services.

  • Tell you about DST services or promotions from time to time.

  • DST may also use the personal information it collects as otherwise permitted under applicable privacy laws.

  • If at any time you no longer wish to be told about new DST services or promotions, please contact us via email

In addition to the above, personal information may be disclosed outside DST in the following circumstances: (i) to third parties to whom DST contracts out specialised functions; (ii) to third parties (such as government agencies and research partners) for reporting purposes in connection with the projects and trials conducted by DST from time to; and (iii) for legal reasons, other disclosures may need to be made to law enforcement agencies, government agencies, courts or external advisors (for example, DST may be asked to disclose certain personal information about an individual to assist the police with an investigation into criminal activities). Additional disclosures may also take place where the individual provides informed consent or where they are otherwise permitted under applicable privacy laws.

Personal information may be processed, analysed and disclosed overseas where service providers or research organisations are in different countries, or if you use a payment method such as a credit card issued overseas which requires us to communicate information about you internationally.


Wi-Meter has a “Sharing” feature allowing you to share the readings from one of several of your consumers or sensors monitored by a Wi-Meter with other people. Once a consumer or a sensor is shared, the other person will be able to see the real-time and historical data for it, as well as the consumer/sensor name, your Wi-Meter device name, address, your first and last name, and the username.




DST uses both persistent and session cookies. These are files that your web browser stores on your computer. The persistent cookie remains on your computer after your session is completed. It does not store any personally identifiable information. It stores a unique identifier, so we may track our website visitors at an aggregate level; a persistent cookie is also used to remember you next time you visit but only if you choose ‘remember me’ on the log in form (and this is completely optional). You may delete the cookie by clearing it from your browser. The session cookie remains only when you are logged into or  It enables the website to know who you are when moving from one web page to the next. This cookie automatically gets erased when you log out or close your browser.




You have a right to seek access to information which DST holds about you (although there are some exceptions to this). You also have the right to ask us to correct information about you which is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date.

If you wish to exercise your rights we ask that you contact DST at
DST takes reasonable steps to ensure the security of personal information held by it from such risks as loss or unauthorised access, destruction, use, modification or disclosure.


If you provide personal information to us about someone else, you must ensure that you are entitled to disclose that information to us and that we are entitled to collect it. You should let the person know that they can access this Privacy Policy on our website. If the information you provide is sensitive information, then you will need to obtain the consent of the person to whom it relates before you provide it to us.

If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, or if you have any questions or complaints about how we handle personal information, please contact DST at


This Privacy Policy was last updated on March 03, 2018.

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